Welcome to the Research for Social Change Lab.
We’re a community-engaged research collective in pursuit of justice and equity in Nogojiwanong/Peterborough.
With community partners, we design and execute research projects that generate actionable knowledge and creative solutions to problems such as homelessness, social exclusion and poverty.
By prioritizing community interests and striving to learn from and be accountable to lived expertise, we aim to politicize knowledge production and mobilize university resources for social change.
The Research for Social Change Lab is based at Trent University in Nogojiwanong/Peterborough, on the traditional territory of the Michi Saagiig First Nations.
Data Justice Symposium - February 21st
The Research for Social Change Lab (RSCL) is hosting a symposium to begin a conversation about addressing the data needs of organisations in the community. This event will bring together community organisations and Trent students and faculty for conversations about data justice, data analysis, and much more.
If you have questions about the event, reach out to Collin Chepeka (Lab Manager) at cchepeka@trentu.ca. Registration required.
Collage and Conversations Series
With AJ Withers & The Aging and Disability Studies Reading Group
Institutional Ethnography Reading Group
Institutional ethnography (or IE) is an approach to social science research that begins with people's experiences rather than a theoretical category or abstract preoccupation. The idea is to figure out how people's experiences are connected to the experiences of people elsewhere. In IE we recognize that the things people do take time and energy and so we refer to these "doings" as people's work. We try to understand how the work someone is doing in one context (e.g., work to get access to resources) is connected to, and shaped by, work that is happening in other places (e.g., sites where people decide who is eligible for the resources someone is seeking).
Lab News
Our Projects
Our Team